سندھ کے اسکولز میں قرآن پاک کی تعلیم کاتنقیدی جائزہ

  • Mahboob Ali Dehraj Ph.D. Scholar at Hamdard University Karachi, Assistant Professor, School of Education, Shaheed Benazir Bhutto University, Nawabshad , Pakistan. https://orcid.org/0000-0002-2840-7836
  • Jawaid Ahmed Siddqiui Dean Faculty of Social Sciences, Sindh institute of management and technology Karachi
Keywords: Quranic, Education ,Teaching, Schools, Sindh, قرآنی ، تعلیم ، سکھانا ، سکول ، سندھ


Pakistan is an Islamic country; it came in to being in the world on the name of Islam. Its foundation was on the basis of Quran teaching .Quran is the complete code of life and helps our students to face the challenges of hour. in this paper researcher go through the matter and  sought out the study the current Quran education in the schools of sindh .for this study three objectives  were made to find the problem 1).To analysis the current education of Quran  in schools of sindh. 2) To study the role of teacher in teaching of holy Quran.3) To assess the interest of learners in learning of holy Quran. The Survey method was used and population of this study was schools of sindh and due to large population stratified sampling was selected .the data was analyzed by using simple statics like percentage,Finding showed that the 90%views were against the attitude of administration regarding the quaint education at secondary schools , same attitudes of teachers, parents to toward this education similarly the protocol interviews were conducted from the senior educationist, they were agreed that the major stock holder, admin teachers, parents have not interest in this subject.While in assessment of Quran was not proper, the student have not given any reward in the learning of this book though the Arabic teachers and H,M they just perform formality and not sincere in teaching of this subject, it is recommended that teacher admin and parent must come forward and ensure the proper assessment of this important book and Govt also separately section teaching post for this subject.
